• Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic Expressions List One

  • Time is money - time is a valuable resource, therefore it is better to do things as quickly as possible

    Example: Come on hurry up! Time is money.

  • Foolproof - incapable of going wrong or being misused

    Example: I have a foolproof security system. As dumb as I am even I'm able to use it.

  • Out of nowhere - appearing or happening suddenly and unexpectedly

    Example: The car came out of nowhere and hit our van.

  • To one up someone - to make a point of outdoing, outperforming, outclassing, etc., someone

    Example: I hate telling stories around Marcus because he always tries to one up you with some amazing story of his own.

  • It's better to be safe than sorry - it’s better to be careful now so that problems do not occur later on

    Example: It's probably not necessary to check the numbers again, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Take a Quiz!

  • 1. She started yelling at me and honestly it scared me. It came _______________.
  • 2. Let's go! Hurry up! ____________.
  • 3. I bought a face shield and a mask because I don't want to take any chances. _____________.
  • 4. He tried to invent a _________ piece of software.
  • 5. I can tell he's insecure. He's always explaining how much better his life is compared to mine and trying ____________.