Future Continuous

The future continuous refers to an ongoing action in the future. Realistically it isn't a tense we use often.

PositivePositive short formNegativeNegative short form
I will be swimmingI'll be swimmingI will not be swimmingI won't be swimming
You will be dancingYou'll be dancingYou will not be dancingYou won't be dancing
She, he, it will be workingShe, he, it'll be workingShe, he, it will not be workingShe, he, it won't be working
We will be talkingWe'll be talkingWe will not be talkingWe won't be talking
They will be runningThey'll be runningThey will not be runningThey won't be running
  • By Christmas I will be skating like a pro.
  • It's very exciting! This time next Monday you will be working at your new job.
  • This time next week she will be relaxing at the beach.

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