Past Perfect

The past perfect is used to explain that one action in the past happened before another action in the past. We form it by using had + past participle.

PositivePositive short formNegativeNegative short form
I had eatenI'd eatenI had not eatenI hadn't eaten
You had leftYou'd leftYou had not leftYou hadn't left
She, he, it had workedShe, he, it'd workedShe, he, it had not workedShe, he, it hadn't worked
We had talkedWe'd talkedWe had not talkedWe hadn't talked
They had thoughtThey'd thoughtThey had not thoughtThey hadn't thought
  • We had already eaten before you ordered lunch.
  • We had told her to get ready, but she had already prepared her bags.
  • They had started the project before their boss told them to.
  • I had finished eating dinner by the time my wife came home.

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