Past Simple

The past simple, is a verb tense used to describe actions, events, or states that occurred and were completed in the past. First let's look at the regular verbs which simply add ed to the end in the affirmative. Notice that for the negative the second verb doesn't change. For example it's "I didn't walk", not "I didn't walked"

PositiveNegativeNegative short form
I walkedI did not walkI didn't walk
You talkedYou did not talkYou didn't talk
She, he, it workedShe, he, it did not workShe, he, it didn't work
We cookedWe did not cookWe didn't cook
They dancedThey did not danceThey didn't dance

For irregular verbs, things are more challenging. Verbs can change a lot. For these verbs you will need to do a lot of memorization. Notice again that in the negative the verb doesn't change.

PositiveNegativeNegative short form
I ateI did not eatI didn't eat
You foughtYou did not fightYou didn't fight
She, he, it taughtShe, he, it did not teachShe, he, it didn't teach
We sangWe did not singWe didn't sing
They builtThey did not buildThey didn't build

Some irregular verbs that end in t don't change and look exactly like the root form.

PositiveNegativeNegative short form
I putI did not putI didn't put
You setYou did not setYou didn't set
She, he, it costShe, he, it did not costShe, he, it didn't cost
We cutWe did not cutWe didn't cut
They hitThey did not hitThey didn't hit

Here's another short list of irregular verbs

  • buy changes to bought
  • catch changes to caught
  • see changes to saw
  • go changes to went
  • have changes to had
  • get changes to got

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