Present Continuous

The present continuous is a verb form used to describe an ongoing action, event that is happening at the current moment or even a future event. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "to be" in the present tense, followed by the main verb with "-ing" added to the end.

PositivePositive Short FormNegativeNegative Short Form
I am eatingI'm eatingI am not eatingI'm not eating
You are walkingYou're walkingYou are not walkingYou're not walking
She, he, it is workingShe, he, it's workingShe, he, it is not workingShe, he, it isn't working
We are thinkingWe're thinkingWe are not thinkingWe aren't thinking
They are runningThey're runningThey are not runningThey aren't running

Actions currently happening

  • He is working at the bar now.
  • We are having some problems with the software. Call me later.
  • She is eating lunch so she can't talk now.

Future actions

  • I'm having dinner with my son tonight.
  • You're coming to the party tonight right?
  • They are flying to Kenya this weekend.

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