Present Perfect

The present perfect is used to connect the past with the present. It is often used to talk about actions or experiences that started in the past but have a connection to the current moment. It can also be used to describe actions that have finished.

PositivePositive short formNegativeNegative short form
I have thoughtI've thoughtI have not thoughtI haven't thought
You have spokenYou've spokenYou have not spokenYou haven't spoken
She, he, it has workedShe, he, it's workedShe, he, it has not workedShe, he, it hasn't worked
We have begunWe've begunWe have not begunWe haven't begun
They have eatenThey've eatenThey have not eatenThey haven't eaten

When the exact time of the action is unknown or isn't important, including actions which are finished (not continuing into the present).

  • Have you seen 'Black Panther'?
  • Someone has stolen my phone!
  • I have been to Acra.

When the time period mentioned hasn't ended

  • It has snowed a lot this winter.
  • I have worked very hard today.
  • They haven't seen him today.

Actions began in the past and continuing into the present

  • He has worked as a bartender for five years.
  • We have had the same house for thirty years.
  • They haven't worked here for years.

Actions repeated in an unspecified period between the past and now

  • He has gone to visit them frequently.
  • It has thundered several times already.
  • We have complained about that restaurant many times.

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